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End Water Fluoridation


 This is information anyone can use in their own city and county to start a campaign to end this dumping of toxic waste in our water systems.



How to Eliminate Fluoride from Our City and County Water Systems                   

(Longwood and Seminole County Considered)

The chemicals put in our water systems are really waste from making superphosphate fertilizer (verify this at

http://fluoridealert.org/articles/phosphate01/ ) and cause health problems in all life forms – human, animal and plant.

. . .to Eliminate Fluoride from our Longwood Water:  To make a petition to change this, according to city code (longwoodfl.org, then city charter & code, then city clerk folder, then Longwood city code, then article 9 – initiatives & referendums), we need at least 25 committee members and at least 4,000 signatures.  First on the list is making the committee of 25.  

 . . . to Eliminate Fluoride from our Seminole County Water:  To make a petition to change this, we need to follow the instructions at http://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientId=13774              This site has information on the Seminole County code and, under chapter 47, initiatives and referendums:  “the Home Rule Charter for Seminole County provides for mechanisms and procedures whereby the electors of Seminole County may petition for the placement of initiative referenda on the ballot proposing amendments to the Home Rule Charter”

If you want to help get this done, please inform yourself by reading the info at fluoridealert.org and viewing videos at their fluoridealert channel on youtube, https://www.youtube.com/user/fluoridealert

such as “Crippling Waters,” “The History of Water Fluoridation - [The Fluoride Deception],” “Poisoned Horses,” “Fluoride is Toxic Waste (LITERALLY),” and others.

The youtube channel for FluorideFreeFlorida  is: https://www.youtube.com/user/FluorideFreeFlorida

Please also look at fluoridefreeflorida and their facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/FluorideFreeFlorida/

(fluoridefreeflorida  is also at:  https://assureasmile.com/tag/fluoride-free-florida)

We can work toward stopping water fluoridation in all of Seminole County.   A draft referendum is below for your consideration.

Referendum to end water fluoridation in Seminole County, Florida

End water fluoridation in Seminole County with the chemicals from the wet scrubbing systems of the superphosphate fertilizer industry. These chemicals (90% of which are sodium fluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid), are classified as hazardous wastes (unless they can be sold and thereby labeled a product) contaminated with various impurities and are known to cause health problems in humans and animals.  Find further information on this matter by doing an internet search.  Three Florida counties (Martin, Palm Beach and Pinellas) and six cities (Boca Raton, Clearwater, Largo, North Redington Beach, Pasco and Winter Springs) have already removed fluoride from their water systems.